Action items before your presentation

  • Read your selected paper carefully, and discuss it within your group to help each other get a good grasp of the problem, method, and results.
  • Prepare a presentation to present the paper in the classroom.
  • Compile a list of questions and discussion points before the presentation.
  • One working day before your presentation, share the presentation, discussion points, and questions with your TAs and lecturers using your Mattermost group channel (each group has its own channel). They will provide you with feedback if needed.
  • At your will, choose one of your teammates as the moderator whose task is to manage the flow of discussion.
  • At your will, choose another teammate as a transcriber who can take notes of the discussion. You will use these notes in your report of the discussion.

Be prepared to answer the audience’s questions about the work you present!

Presentation must-haves

For the presentation itself, make sure to at least include the following information about the paper. The rest depends on your creativity and style.

Full title of the paper


  • Appeared in (name of conference/journal)
  • Cited citation count
  • Why is it important?


A brief profile of the main authors


Why do this research? Why is it needed?

The problem

What exactly is the problem that is solved?

Research method

What does the paper do?

Dataset or Benchmark

_What data has been used to conduct the experiments?

ML4SE techniques used

How does the paper use ML techniques to solve the above problem?


How do the authors evaluate their work?


What is the highlight of the paper’s findings?


Why are the results important? What is their impact?

Technical questions

A list of questions to gauge the audience’s understanding of the paper.

Discussion points

A list of questions to trigger general discussions about the paper.

Summary of the discussion

to be filled in after the discussion by the discussion group

Action items after your presentation

Each responsible group must document the above, add a summary of highlights of the discussion in the classroom and return the report to the instructor for each discussed paper.